Contribute on PeerTube
PeerTube is a free/open-source software: all contributions are welcome to continue to improving it
Suggest an idea or improvement
No technical skills are required!
Vote for your favorite ideas or communicate your own suggestions, report a problem...
Share an ideaDonate to Framasoft
We don't make money by developing PeerTube.
It is a project supported by Framasoft, a French non profit recognized as being of general interest and funded 90% by your donations.
It's the reason why all your contributions are essential to help us to maintain PeerTube!
DonateDevelop the software
You can help us to:
- Translate the texts of the platform
- Write PeerTube documentation
- Modify the code of PeerTube or other related software (Sepia Search, JoinPeerTube...)
- Develop a PeerTube plugin/theme