An alternative to Big Tech's video platforms

PeerTube is a tool for sharing online videos developed by Framasoft, a french non-profit.

PeerTube is getting a mobile app, plus a remodel for its v7!

The PeerTube mobile app for Android & iOS is out! Discover, browse and play videos from your mobile, in an app designed with cares for your attention. As for PeerTube, its v7 brings a complete remodel of its interface. New themes, menus and displays... with an improved accessibility.

Learn more and support Framasoft

Dè th’ ann am PeerTube?

PeerTube allows you to create your own video platform, in complete independence.

With PeerTube, no more opaque algorithms or obscure moderation policies! PeerTube platforms you visit are built, managed and moderated by their owners.

PeerTube allows platforms to be connected to each other, creating a big network of platforms that are both autonomous and interconnected.

Moreover, PeerTube does not depend on any advertising and does not track you!

Dè ghabhas lorg airPeerTube?

Discover our recommendations selected among the 600,000 videos and the 1,000 platforms of the PeerTube network

PeerTube is not subject to the monopoly of any company

Coltach ris na h-innealan eile ’gan leasachadh le Framasoft, tha PeerTube a’ beachdachadh ort mar neach seach bathar ri sgrùdadh is glacadh ann an lùban video.

PeerTube is free, open-source, created for non-commercial purposes.

An ethical and open source digital common

PeerTube belongs to you. At any time, you can help us to improve PeerTube with your ideas, suggestion or by modifying the source code yourself.

’S e bathar-bog saor a th’ ann am PeerTube seach foirmle dhìomhair fo shealbh Google (ma bhios sinn a’ bruidhinn air Youtube) no Vivendi/Bolloré (Dailymotion). Bheir an ceadachas saor seo barantas dhuinn gun cùm sinn na saorsainnean bunasach againn ’nar luchd-cleachdaidh.

Questions? We guide you!

PeerTube is a tool that you install on a web server. It allows you to create a video hosting website, so create your "homemade YouTube".

’S e an diofar eadar PeerTube is YouTube nach eil e ag amas gun dèid ùrlar a chruthachadh a chuireadh na videothan o fheadh an t-saoghail ri chèile air an aon tuathanas fhrithealaichean (is bhiodh sin cianail fhèin daor).

Air a’ chaochladh, ’s e bun-bheachd PeerTube gun dèid lìonra de dh’iomadh solaraichean òstadh video beaga a chruthachadh a bhios co-cheangailte ri chèile.

Chan eil sin fainear dhuinn idir!

Bidh sinn ag amas an-còmhnaidh gum mair sinn ’na roghainn eile a tha sgaoilte agus saor: chan eil roghainn eile ag amas gun dèid sinn an àite rud eile ach gun tairg sinn rud ùr le luachan eadar-dhealaichte a thuilleadh air na nithean a tha ann mu thràth.

Bun-tùs fosgailte fo cheadachas saor

  • PeerTube is freely provided, no need to pay to install it on your server
  • We can look under the hood of PeerTube (its source code): it's auditable, transparent
  • It can be enhanced by everyone's contributions

Co-nasgadh de sholaraichean òstaidh

  • It decentralizes video storage and decision-making power
  • We can display videos and accounts of other PeerTube websites
  • Tha e stèidhichte air ActivityPub ach an dèan sinn ceangal ri innealan eile coltach ri Mastodon, mar eisimpleir.

Craoladh is coimhead peer-to-peer

  • It reduces server bandwidth overload if a video becomes viral
  • We become an actor of the video broadcasting
  • Tha e stèidhichte air WebRTC, seo pròiseact saor le bun-tùs fosgailte airson brabhsairean-lìn.

Exciting features for viewers

  • Enjoy a beautiful adaptative player that includes chapters and previews on the web interface or the mobile application
  • Personalize the interface with themes, filtering, NSFW settings, and autoplay preferences
  • Save videos for later, organize playlists, resume playback, and check watch history
  • Follow channels and access new videos in a dedicated feed
  • And many more features!

For content creators

  • Join a community with aligned values, talk to real moderators, and export/import your content across PeerTube platforms
  • Let PeerTube automatically synchronize a channel from a remote platform (Youtube, Vimeo, etc.)
  • Access detailed analytics, edit (trim, watermark, intro/outro) or a upload new version of your video
  • Stream via OBS or other RTMP software, enable replays and interact with viewers via live chat
  • Manage multiple channel that can be followed by ActivityPub platforms (PeerTube, Mastodon, Pleroma, etc.) for greater discoverability
  • And many more features!

And for administrators

  • Full control & customization with many settings, plugins, themes
  • Customize the homepage with Markdown/HTML, set instance branding (avatar, banner, categories), define default user settings, and broadcast messages with a banner
  • Manage user registrations, set upload limits, assign moderator roles, review abuse reports, block or ban users, and mute accounts or platforms
  • Advanced video transcoding with the ability to use remote runners
  • And many more features!