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March 20, 2025

Design, mobile development, documentation: let's share resources!

In the last few months, we released the v7 of PeerTube (7.1 is also out!) and our official mobile app (with a major update incoming).

Both those projets benefited from external expertise (in design and mobile development ). Plus, both implied updating or even creating user documentation to facilitate adoption.

So here are the links to share those resources that show how the cuttlefish seaweed sausage is made!

Funding expertise is hard, and worth every cent

FOSS projects are underfunded, they seldom have the means to hire such talents, even though they make a world of difference.

We have been fortunate enough to get funding from the NGI0 Entrust program (thanks to great people at NLnet) to co-finance such expertise.

We have worked with La coopérative des Internets (designers), and Zenika (development expertise), who happily agree to share their reports as commons (please forgive the typos: they've been translated from French)

Sharing design and development reports

Click on the line to get:

Obviously, those reports are deeply focused on PeerTube and its specificities. The choices, lessons, tips and the expertise shared here should not be applied as is on any other FOSS project.

That being said, the FOSS community know how sharing experience and expertise is always a win-win strategy. We sincerely hope that bringing this work in the Commons will inspire and help other projects.

People who "read the manual": we care about you!

PeerTube v7 came with a complete design remodel. Meaning that all the screenshots in our documentation became obsolete... And that we had to update changes in menus, paths, etc.

Help us share and care about PeerTube!

PeerTube is maintained by Framasoft (hi! That's us!), a small French not-for-profit advocating for digital emancipation and commons. We are funded though grants and grassroots donations, have only 2 devs on PeerTube, no marketing department... but we have you!

You can help us and support PeerTube by:

Your help matters!